Events – 2021

What is happening on the Action Against Stunting Day?

We have a series of activities planned worldwide to raise awareness about stunting and share our commitment to research an issue that affects over 149 million children worldwide.

In the UK, we are holding a meeting sponsored by MP Pauline Latham, a member of the International Development Committee. It will bring together a global panel of policymakers, philanthropists and academics to discuss critical global priorities to ensure that every child can reach their full potential.


Watch the recording!

On 8 September we brought together policymakers, donors and academics in our inaugural Action Against Stunting Day event. Together, these key actors are committed to promoting research and interventions to reduce stunting by 2025.

Watch the keynote presentations from Dr Lawrence Haddad (Executive Director, GAIN), Dr Gunhild Stordalen (Founder and President of EAT Foundation), Dr Francesco Branca (Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO), Dr Simon Bishop (CEO, Power of Nutrition) and a roundtable discussion with a large group of experts.

Dr Branca's presentation is available here.

Dr Haddad's presentation is available here.


The AGENDA and the EVENT BRIEF are available here.



What is happening around the world?

In Senegal, our team used the radio to raise awareness about stunting in September. Five radio stations broadcasted messages about the day, give more information about stunting, and share what the UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting is doing to tackle the problem.

Community dialogues also took place. We have identified the communities that are most severely affected by stunting, and we involved religious leaders, women and volunteers in six community dialogue meetings. The discussions will be around why stunting is a problem, what causes it and how to solve the problem. 264 were involved in the discussions and we developed action plans with the communities and will follow up on the commitments.

In India, we will release a series of news articles in both English and Telugu newspapers. The first one is written by Dr Teena Dasi and Dr Bharati Kulkarni. It highlights the need to focus on child and maternal health to improve the nutritional situation in India. The article is available here.

All India Radio also broadcasted an interview with Dr Santosh Kumar. He spoke about the work of the Hub and the Action Against Stunting Day. Watch it here:

In Indonesia, we will soon announce the winners of the social media content creation competition for Indonesian secondary school students, focusing on protein source foods against stunting. We held a workshop on 8 September and the award ceremony will take place on 3 November. We received a lot of great artwork!

The activity was published in a local e-newspaper and can be retrieved here.